Jaak Hillen
Jaak Hillen - Born in Bree on 24.06.1959 - High school ‘Graduaat in de orthopedagogie’ aan de ‘IPSOC’ in Kortrijk. - 1984 tot 1987: Three years training in 'special education' in Zeist (the Netherlands). - 1987 tot 1991: sculpture college on the Alanus University of Art and Social Science (Germany) - 1990 sculpture college on the Royal Academy for Fine Arts 'KASK’ in Gent (Belgium) - 1996-1997: master course on the 'High Institute for Fine Arts' in Antwerp (Belgium) Free artist since 1992. Visiting lecturer on the Alanus University of Art and Social Sciences since 1992. Website: www.hillen.be , www.artobe.eu .